Monday, December 15, 2008

Learning how to shine

How will I find rest and relaxation in the middle of a busy mom day?

I know why it's so hard for me to find rest in the middle of the day. It's because I have this 'absurd' idea that I don't want to serve canned, pre-made food to my family. So a good 25%-45% of my day is spent preparing, cooking, serving, and cleaning up after meals.

Combine that with my extreme distaste for the television and the result is a well-fed, high energy 3 year old that just wants to Go-Go-Go!

Somewhere between cooking, writing, laundry, trips to pre-school, swim class and gymnastics, my doctor has advised me to REST.

I feel almost guilty when I sit for a few moments.

But my health now requires it.

So now I know in order for me to truly shine I need to truly rest. And little by little I'll learn how.

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