Today you don't feel like the sun. Maybe yesterday you didn't feel like the sun either. Or maybe you've never felt like the sun. I've been there too. You're not alone in that feeling and I applaud you for recognizing that that is how you feel.
I don't feel like you found this blog by accident. I'm glad you are here and I want you to know that I fully believe that right now you have the answer you need to help you feel better. The answer is not in me but it is in you. But because I have also felt the way you feel right now and I was able to overcome many very difficult challenges I know that you can too.
What I want you to do is trust me. But trust does not just appear merely because we want it too. Trust is developed little by little, day by day. The reason I want you to trust me is because I want to help you remove the clouds that are blocking the way for you to feel the powerful sun that is within you.
When you read my blog title, you felt like you were not very sunny. The sun is bright. It is happy. It is powerful. It is the source of life. If you are not feeling sunny, maybe you feel sad, depressed, confused, powerless, hopeless. Whatever you are feeling is okay.
I too have felt it all. I am not a doctor. I am not a psychotherapist. I am just a person who didn't like feeling sad and powerless anymore and I sought for answers to make me feel better.
I didn't find answers in alcohol or drugs. I didn't find answers in relationships. I didn't find answers in any presciption.
I found answers in books. I found answers in nature. I found answers in meditation. Most importantly, I found answers in Trust.
First, I had to trust that there was an answer.
That is why I want you to trust me. If you trust me, then you will trust that what I'm saying is not for my advantage but for yours. And if you trust me you will begin to feel hope that what I'm saying is true.
Without being a doctor or a trained specialist of any sort, you can heal yourself. You can find your inner sun. You can be the woman you want to be. You can be the mother you want to be. In whatever way that looks for you in your life.
It's okay to not feel like the sun. But don't just feel that way and agree to submit to that feeling for the rest of your life. Feel cloudy if you like, but look for the answers in the clouds. Because I'm here to tell you that they are there.
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